Unlock Your Cashflow

Discover the Power of Nudging Your Cashflow Levers in the Right Direction
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From your most recent annual accounts or rolling 12 month period management accounts, enter the information requested below. If you don't have annual financial data, make sure you change the period duration to obtain accurate results. Periods shorter than 3 months may not be reliable.
How many months does the current data cover?
Enter your overheads (fixed costs) for the period
From your balance sheet, enter the trade debtors - how much customers owe you.
From your balance sheet, enter the value for stock/inventory.
From your balance sheet, enter the trade creditors - how much you owe suppliers.
Enter the total sales for the period
Enter the direct costs of selling your goods/services
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Pull the Seven Levers to Improve your Cashflow

To explore the most effective way to improve your cashflow, enter your name and email address to receive your instruction manual.

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Average time it takes your customers to pay
Average number of days stock you hold
Working capital required per £100 turnover
Average number of days it takes you to pay your suppliers
The difference between when you pay your suppliers for goods and when you get paid by your customers. The larger the gap, the worse your cashflow is and the harder it will be to manage cashflow as you grow.
Click submit to receive your complete cashflow improvement report by email.