Cashflow Playbook - Forecast the Inflows and Outflows of Cash

Make Strategic Cashflow Decisions and Forecast Your Cashflow
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This online calculator is in three parts. The first part allows you to understand your cash cycle based on basic financial information and determines your cash gap.

Part 2 allows you to play with the cashflow levers to create a strategy to improve your cash cycle, reduce working capital and optimise the cash gap. The output is an operational cashflow forecast.

Part 3 allows you to complete your cashflow forecast by incorporating your intended debt and investment strategies.

Complete the blue elements. Green elements will be automatically calculated.Start by entering seven pieces of information from your most recent annual accounts or rolling 12 month period management accounts.

We value your privacy. The information you provide is only used to illustrate your cashflow and to generate your report. None of the information will be shared with third parties or retained beyond production of your report.

How many months does the current data cover?
Enter your overheads (fixed costs, not including depreciation) for the period
From your balance sheet, enter the trade debtors - how much customers owe you.
From your balance sheet, enter the value for stock/inventory.
From your balance sheet, enter the trade creditors - how much you owe suppliers.
Enter the total sales for the period
Enter the direct costs of selling your goods/services
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Pull the Seven Cashflow Levers and Forecast Your Cashflow

Explore the most effective way to improve your cashflow and forecast the outcome. To receive your bespoke 5 page strategic cashflow improvement report and financial forecast, enter your name, company name and email address.

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Use this section to include cash obtained from financing or cash used to reduce financing (debt).
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Use this section to record cashflows associated with acquiring and disposing of assets

Leave as £0 if you would like an estimate of depreciation to be made using standardised rules. Alternatively, if you would like a more accurate balance sheet to be created from your data, please include depreciation calculated according to the accounting rules reported in your annual accounts.

Include all debt you expect to take on in the period even if it is not to be held as cash
What debt do you expect to pay off during the forecast period (capital only - do not include interest payments)
Average time it takes your customers to pay
Average number of days stock you hold
Working capital required per £100 turnover
Average number of days it takes you to pay your suppliers
The difference between when you pay your suppliers for goods and when you get paid by your customers. The larger the gap, the worse your cashflow is and the harder it will be to manage cashflow as you grow.
How much do you expect to increase sales by in the next period?
What duration, in months, do you want to forecast your cashflow over? Min = 1 month; Max = 12 months
How much cash do you have at the start of the forecast period?
Do you expect to reduce the cost of goods sold during the forecast period?
Click submit to receive your fully customised report by email based on the information you provided.All your information will be deleted on request.
Add the purchase price of plant and machinery you expect to acquire during the forecast period
Add the purchase price of any land or property you expect to acquire during the forecast period
Add the price obtained for all assets you expect to dispose of during the forecast period
Include the value of all fixed assets at the start of the forecast period
Include the flat rate of interest prevailing on the debt held by the business. If you don't know, leave it at 5%
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