Cashflow Playbook

ActionCOACH, Gareth Shackleton

Cashflow Forecasting Calculator & Report

Cashflow Playbook - A play-by-play to improve cashflow and boost growth... 

If you're currently forecasting cashflow by tracking every single transaction your business makes, you need this playbook!

It will save you hours a week spent keeping spreadsheets updated!

It will stop you getting bogged down in the detail.

It will help you make strategic decisions to improve cashflow long-term not just week-to-week.

For a limited time, we're offering free access to the playbook. All we ask in return is your feedback and a review or testimonial.

Take the guesswork out of your cashflow forecasting...

Click the button to get instant access.

Free access to Cashflow Playbook for a limited time only

Using the Playbook...

Step One

Enter your most recent financial information and get an instant read on the main drivers of your current cashflow position.

Step Two

Make adjustments to the main cashflow drivers to see the effect on your profit and loss, balance sheet and cashflow. Once you've seen what's possible, you can decide what you will actually do without guessing about the impact.

Step Three

Download your playbook containing your strategic intent and your financial forecast (P&L, Balance Sheet and Cashflow Statement) and a record of your plan.

Step Four

Implement your plan and compare your results with your forecast. Rinse and repeat next quarter.

To get started...

Get your latest financial statements or management accounts from the filing cabinet and click the button below.

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